In order to configure gain and optical bandwidth appropriately, a concept of the gain bandwidth product is introduced. 通过引入增益带宽积的概念,以均衡增益与带宽。
The Analysis of Switched-capacitor Filters with the Effects of Finite Gain Bandwidth Product GB 考虑GB影响时的开关电容滤波器分析方法
The maximum frequency of RC-bridge oscillator is 16.67% of gain bandwidth product of amplifier analyzed based on a first-order single time constant lowpass function model. 运用一阶单时间常数低通函数模拟运算放大器的开环增益,对RC桥式振荡电路进行线性分析,得出最大振荡频率为运算放大器增益带宽积的16.67%。
An Investigation of the Gain Bandwidth Product of Amplifiers 放大器增益&带宽积的研究
The results demonstrate that the input signal power and the gain go inversely, but the gain bandwidth product remains constant. 结果表明,在注入电流一定的情况下,输入信号光与放大器的增益呈相反方向变化,但是增益带宽积不变。